Thursday, June 8, 2017

Wednesday, June 7

Reminder: permission slips are due! 

Class took attendance in the classroom then traveled to the library to finish recording their podcasts.


THURSDAY, JUNE 8: Try to get your finished podcast to Mr. Brown's flash drive by the end of the block, so it can be archived.

FRIDAY, JUNE 9: Final projects (essay and recording) are due AT THE START OF THE BLOCK.   If you were unable to get your podcast to Mr. Brown's flashdrive yesterday, share with Ms. Bishop and Mr. Brown by uploading it to your Google Drive and then sharing it with us.

(No permission slip? -1 point on project.  Students do NOT have to obtain permission, but they MUST bring in a signed form indicating one way or the other.)

Tuesday, June 6

Reminder: permission slips are due! 

Class took attendance in the classroom then traveled to the library to begin recording their podcasts.

THURSDAY, JUNE 8: Try to get your finished podcast to Mr. Brown's flash drive by the end of the block, so it can be archived.

FRIDAY, JUNE 9: Final projects (essay and recording) are due AT THE START OF THE BLOCK.   If you were unable to get your podcast to Mr. Brown's flashdrive yesterday, share with Ms. Bishop and Mr. Brown by uploading it to your Google Drive and then sharing it with us.

(No permission slip? -1 point on project.  Students do NOT have to obtain permission, but they MUST bring in a signed form indicating one way or the other.)

Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday, June 5

Reminder: permission slips are due!  And any students who will not be in class on Friday, need to submit their podcasts by the end of class on THURSDAY so they will be available the next day.

Class took attendance in the classroom then traveled to the library to experiment with Garageband and other podcasting apps and/or to finish polishing their drafts.

We should be beginning recording tomorrow!


FRIDAY, JUNE 2: Essays should be DONE.
MONDAY, JUNE 5: Permission slips handed in by today grant +1 extra credit on project.

FRIDAY, JUNE 9: Final projects (essay and recording) are due AT THE START OF THE BLOCK (so they can be shared!). 

(No permission slip? -1 point on project.  Students do NOT have to obtain permission, but they MUST bring in a signed form indicating one way or the other.)

Friday, June 2

Listened to sample This I Believe essay.

Working in Google Docs, students continued work writing the script for their own This I Believe essays.
Ms. Bishop gave feedback as requested on student drafts.

NOTE: Students out on Friday should be sure to submit make-up journals in order to regain participation points.


FRIDAY, JUNE 2: Essays should be DONE.
MONDAY, JUNE 5: Permission slips handed in by today grant +1 extra credit on project.

FRIDAY, JUNE 9: Final projects (essay and recording) are DUE. 

(No permission slip? -1 point on project.  Students do NOT have to obtain permission, but they MUST bring in a signed form indicating one way or the other.)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Thursday, June 1

Distributed voluntary summer reading lists for AP Literature and Composition

Distributed permission forms for podcasts. 
Listened to sample This I Believe essay.

Working in Google Docs, students continued work writing the script for their own This I Believe essays.


FRIDAY, JUNE 2: Essays should be DONE.
MONDAY, JUNE 5: Permission slips handed in by today grant +1 extra credit on project.

FRIDAY, JUNE 9: Final projects (essay and recording) are DUE. 

(No permission slip? -1 point on project.  Students do NOT have to obtain permission, but they MUST bring in a signed form indicating one way or the other.)